Cheers to One Year … Thank You!

So Much More than just Grain, Hops, and Yeast…

Dear Homebrewers, Friends, and Family,

It is with sincere gratitude that we celebrate the first anniversary of North Texas Homebrew Supply. As we reflect on this incredible journey, Laura and I can’t help but be appreciative of the support, encouragement, and camaraderie that we have received from all of you. From the very beginning, our dream of providing top-notch brewing supplies and fostering a diverse, thriving community of homebrewers wouldn’t have been possible without you.

Friends and Family:

To our dear friends and family, we owe a debt of gratitude for being a strong support network during the launch of this adventure. Your belief in our vision, coupled with your countless hours of assistance in setting up the store, made this dream a reality. Your continued interest and encouragement during this time was remarkable.  We will never forget your part in creating a community space that now stands as a testament to the power of family and friendship.


To Terry, Rudy, Jimmy, and Steve, who work every day to ensure our business runs smoothly and our customers receive the best service possible, we express our deepest appreciation. Your dedication, passion, and expertise in the world of homebrewing have been instrumental in creating a welcoming and informative atmosphere in our store. Each one of you has become an integral part of our extended family, and we are truly blessed to have such a remarkable team supporting our shared mission.


And finally, to the heart and soul of North Texas Homebrew – our cherished community of homebrewers.  It is you who make this journey worthwhile. Your enthusiasm, creativity, and willingness to experiment continuously inspire us. From sharing your unique homebrew recipes to offering helpful tips to fellow brewers, you have created a space where novices and experts alike can thrive and grow. The friendships created through our passion for brewing have enriched our lives, and we are truly grateful to be a part of this vibrant and supportive community.


Laura and I are so grateful as we reflect on this past year’s journey.  With everyone’s participation and sharing, We (all of us) have nurtured a community that not only embraces the art of homebrewing but also fosters fun, learning, support, and friendship.  As a token of our appreciation and to mark this momentous occasion, we cordially invite each and every one of you to join us at our first-anniversary party on Saturday, August 12th.  Let’s raise our glasses in celebration of this community, to a year of great memories, and to the adventures and stories to come. There will be morning coffee, brew demonstrations, hot dogs, and, of course, the chance to mingle with fellow enthusiasts who share our passion for the art of homebrewing.

… Oh, and Great Surprises!

MoreBeer/BrewMaster has Donated Some Great Gifts for our Anniversary:

Now it’s your turn to share your vision for the future.  All you have to do to enter the raffle for one of these great prizes from Brewmaster is respond below to this post and answer the question “How can we improve our North Texas homebrew community?”.  One raffle entry per response.

Thank you for everything, and Cheers to the years to come!




28 replies on “Cheers to One Year … Thank You!

  • Jim Hall

    Those of us who are involved in church should make our parishioners aware that brewing beer is an ancient tradition of hospitality in the early church which should be encouraged.

  • Joe Rhoades

    Tap into community HOA’s and offer some high level, how to-brew day classes using an extract kit to show how easy it can be to make your own beer at home. Bring a couple kits to sell as well. 🙂

  • Mark Ewing

    Continuing on with the awesome in person events, and doing something similar with/at breweries around NTX. Having a variety of topics, both in depth for experienced brewers and higher level for beginners. Cover anything from refining a recipe to starting/running a business in the industry.

  • Marqus

    I’d like to see recipe kits that were developed by staff. You have some great brewers working there and I want to brew what they are brewing.

  • Wes

    I like the kits you have already, and I’m agreeing with others here. A few kits/favs from the staff would kinda cool. Or even offer kits from other brands/suppliers if possible.

  • Dylan Evans

    I like the idea of recipe kits made by staff.
    Especially a simple all grain, like a SMASH kit by geography.

    Would also Iove to see TexMalt available.

    NTHBA information & Calendar would be great for the community as well.

  • Walter Hodges

    Congratulations on your first of hopefully many anniversaries. Thank you for your support of homebrewing in Dallas.

  • Ara Jordan

    It would be amazing to have a Facebook Group or other space where people could share recipes, ask for advice, and a place where we as a group could go to brew festivals together.

  • Rocky

    Brew days where experienced homebrewers guide step by step to newbies. We have the fortune to be guide by Eric, Terry and a lot of homebrewers since day one.
    Thank you for introducing us to this great community.


  • Elizabeth Mayes

    The community is amazing so far, as a beginner I love the encouragement and constructive atmosphere 🙂 the only improvement I can think of is more of it !

  • Randy Grogan

    Keep doing what you are doing! It’s great and inspiring… Makes me want to brew even more.
    Thanks for helping to keep us brewing!

  • Noel Marian

    For starters, NTHB is the best thing that’s happened to Dallas in a while. You can feel the passion for the craft as well as knowledge and insight.

    All I can suggest is nothing. This concept will hold its wait and be a staple brew supply, from small to large scale, they got it. Can’t wait what the future holds for you guys

  • Will

    Echo all the notes above that y’all are making an incredible, positive impact on this community. Keep doing what you’re doing!

  • Morgan

    Access to trial brew systems that you sell! And a larger selection of hops and yeast. But you guys are still doing an awesome job regardless!

  • Jake Jorda

    May be going against the grain here (pun intended) but would it be possible to home brew a non/low alcohol beer? I have several friends interested in this hobby but don’t drink anymore

  • NTHBS Admin

    Congratulations to Sarah, Elizabeth, Danny, and Brent on winning the MoreBeer/Brewmaster brewing equipment.

    Thank you *all* very much for the support and great ideas on how we can work together to make our homebrew community even better. Look for your ideas to get rolled out in the near future.


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