Join us for these great events!

BJCP Exam Prep and Styles Class – Started Sunday 7/14 – Not Too Late to Join!

NTHBS is hosting another BJCP Exam Prep and Styles Class. Here is your opportunity to learn about all the BJCP Beer Styles. prepare for the BJCP Judging Exam and take the Exam. The class is $300 which includes all the style beers and the BJCP Judging Exam at the conclusion of the class. This is [...]

Beer101! – Thur 9/19

Easy Extract Night! Thursday 9/19, 6-10pm Join us as we make a batch of beer from an extract kit. We'll cover everything you ever wanted to know about water, grain, hops, and yeast. Bring a clean one gallon container, we'll send you home with a gallon of wort and a packet of yeast so you [...]

September Events at NTHBS!

Check out all of our events in September!

North Texas Homebrewers Assoc in the House – Tue 9/10

Join us as we host the North Texas Homebrewers Association club meeting. Tuesday 9/10 6:30pm - Bring your homebrew to share. Food will be served! Want to become an NTHBA member .. sign up here!