Omega Yeast – Vossa Nova


2 in stock

SKU: oyl407 Category:


Vossa Nova is a Thiolized® version of Voss Kveik, known for reliable haze and tangy citrus notes. Our only kveik in the Thiolized series allows for a broad temperature range and control of the fermentation speed to your liking. Expect lower thiol intensity at hotter temps due to more vigorous blow off, along with no diacetyl production.

*For sale in the US only. Patent pending.

Omega Yeast’s metabolically healthy cells produce vigorous fermentation and consistent results for Probrewers and Homebrewers alike.

Strain Type Kveiks

Flocculation Medium

Attenuation 75-82%

Temperature Range 68–95° F (20–35° C)

Diastatic No

Phenolic No

Alcohol Tolerance 12% ABV

Cell Count: 200 Billion Item # OYL407 Weight 0.14 LBS

Looking for a different strain of yeast, check out our yeast here!

Additional information

Weight 0.14 lbs
Dimensions 1.5 × 1.5 × 5.5 in


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