Omega Yeast – German Lager I


2 in stock

SKU: oyl106 Category:


Versatile, crisp, malty profile, light esters and a wide fermentation range. This is thought to be the world’s most used lager strain and can produce a convincing lager at ale temperatures. Fermenting in the low temperature range (45 – 55° F), it maintains a more crisp profile. Temperatures higher in range (65 – 68° F) bring out slightly heightened esters. Rest for diacetyl.

Omega Yeast’s metabolically healthy cells produce vigorous fermentation and consistent results for Probrewers and Homebrewers alike.

Strain Type Lagers

Flocculation Medium-Loww

Attenuation 73-77%

Temperature Range 45–68° F (7–20° C)

Diastatic No

Phenolic No

Alcohol Tolerance 9% ABV

Cell Count: 200 Billion

Looking for a different strain of yeast, check out our yeast here!


Additional information

Weight 0.14 lbs
Dimensions 1.5 × 1.5 × 5.5 in


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