Deluxe Yeast Starter Kit – 2000ml


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SKU: y330 Categories: , ,


The Deluxe Yeast Starter Kit comes with ingredients and instructions for making a 2L yeast starter (yeast not included). Yeast starters are beneficial for any beer or style, but they’re highly recommended for higher alcohol beers and cold fermenting lagers. Kit Includes: 2000 mL Erlenmeyer flask (student grade) Magnetic Stir Plate (stir bar included) Foam Stopper 1/2 lb Dried Malt Extract 1 oz Fermaid K yeast nutrient 1 oz FermCap S foam control Flask Marker wax pencil In the lab world, these flasks are known as “Student Grade”. A great flask for making yeast starters! (Student grade is not the highest grade flasks and will have minor defects) Item # Y330 Weight 5 LBS