Dark Belgian Candi Syrup – D-90 – 2.5 lbs


3 in stock

SKU: aj57a Category:


  • Candi Syrups are premium flavoring sugars to enhance the flavor of authentic Belgian-tasting beers
  • Flavor: Subtle toffee, and toasted bread
  • Recommended for dark Belgian style ales

D-90 is by far the most universal of our Belgian style Candi Syrups and is made with pure Beet sugar. This syrup creates an unmistakable pallet of subtle toffee, and toasted bread flavors that make a dark Candi Syrup truly brew-worthy. This syrup will ensure the caramel aroma and rich flavors of award winning Belgian style ales.

One pound of D-90 will add an estimated SRM of 15L to 6 gallons of wort.

  • Color: 90 SRM / 67°L
  • PPG: 1.032
  • Ingredients: Beet sugar, water

Looking for a belgian candi syrup with a different SRM? Shop our full line of sugar, syrup, and honey.