Latest Past Events

Introduction to Beer Judging

North Texas Homebrew Supply 17811 Davenport Rd, Suite 11, Dallas

Want to know more about beer judging? Wonder how the judges came up with your score in the last competition? Want to help with Blue Bonnet Brew-Off and other homebrew competitions? Here's a great opportunity to take your homebrew skillset to the next level! Join us on Saturday 1/25 for an introduction to homebrewing. Review […]

North Texas Homebrewers Association Mtg

North Texas Homebrew Supply 17811 Davenport Rd, Suite 11, Dallas

Join us Tuesday night for the NTHBA Homebrew Club meeting at NTHBS. Meet some new friends, try some homebrew, learn some stuff. BYOHB

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

North Texas Homebrew Supply 17811 Davenport Rd, Suite 11, Dallas

Thank a cop (and all of their law enforcement brothers and sisters) for all they do for us and our communities. Law Enforcement and First Responders always get 10% off at NTHBS .. thank you!